Helpful videos

Having a Gastroscopy

Dr Laith Al Rubaiy explains the Gastroscopy procedure.

  1. Having a Gastroscopy
  2. Gastroscopy Reasons & Risks
  3. Gastroscopy Sedation or Spray
  4. How to prepare for a Gastroscopy
  5. What happens after your Gastroscopy
  6. Alternatives to having a Gastroscopy


The team at Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust demonstrate the different stages of the process so you can be fully prepared.

Having a Colonoscopy 

Dr Laith Al Rubaiy explains the colonoscopy procedure.

  1. Having a Colonoscopy
  2. Colonoscopy Reasons & Risks
  3. How to prepare for a Colonoscopy
  4. What happens after your Colonoscopy
  5. Alternatives to having a Colonoscopy

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The team at Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust have produced useful videos for people who are going to have a gastroscopy or a colonoscopy.