Fundraising Ideas
Get your family and friends involved for Kranky Panky.
There are many ways for you to get involved with our fundraising efforts as part of the Kranky Panky campaign. We’ve put together some fun ways for you to support research into pancreatitis. So why not give them a try!
Host a dinner party
We’ve planned out a whole evening of activities to support those suffering from pancreatitis. From a fabulous dinner menu, through to pancreatitis-themed entertainment!
People suffering from pancreatitis (either chronic or acute) are advised to follow a low-fat diet. Below are some delicious pancreatitis-friendly, super low-fat recipes for your family and friends to enjoy:
Main Dishes:
These recipes are courtesy of the National Pancreas Foundation. More recipes can be found in their Pancreatitis cookbook.
We also have pancreatitis-friendly recipes for curry! Our supporter Kirsty Donaldson has kindly sent in some recipes.
Anyone for cake?
One of the things that we hear from pancreatitis patients is “I miss eating cake!” But there are some pancreatitis-friendly cake recipes! You could try them at your dinner party or even host a fundraising coffee morning at work.
Click here to view some delicious low fat cake recipes.
After-dinner games
In the name of charity, we all love silly games. We’ve put together a pancreatitis-themed quiz for you to play with family and friends. Get together, split into teams, and have a laugh!
Click the icons to download your quiz questions:
Next up: Pin the Pancreas on the Person!
Put your biology knowledge to the test. It’s amazing how little we know about our internal organs (until there’s a problem!). Click here to download and print your very own pancreas to stick on a willing volunteer.
Fundraising for all the family
Unfortunately adults are not the only people affected by pancreatitis. Children can develop the condition or they might help to look after a parent or sibling who is suffering. Here are some fun activities for children to try at home or in school:
Kids Kranky Panky Challenges
Come up with a challenge that your kids can do every day in November that they can ask for sponsorship. Here are some ideas:
- Play a musical instrument (practise every day)
- Learn to juggle (it will take 30 days to do well!)
- Keep their bedroom spotlessly tidy during November
- Walk the dog every day
- Set and clear the table every day
- Learn to cook throughout the month and then cook up a delicious meal on 30th November
- Help in the garden
- Learn 30 words in a foreign language, one for each day of November
T-Shirt Design Competition
Design a pancreas or pancreatitis themed T-shirt. There is an under 16 and an over 16 category.
Email your design to [email protected] or post your design to Guts UK, The Media Centre, 7 Northumberland St, Huddersfield, HD1 1RL

Of course, you don’t have to take part in these activities if you don’t want to. We still believe in the traditional fundraising events, such as a sponsored walk, run or cycle, raffles and donation boxes.
If you’d simply like to make a personal donation, find out how you can do that by clicking here.