Focus on Five

Rise and shine with these healthy bowel friendly breakfasts. The recipes are high in dietary fibre, low FODMAPs - ingredients that do not trigger bloating or excessive wind.

Recipe: Yvonne McKenzie, Registered dietitian, specialist in gastrointestinal nutrition & IBS Photography: Julie Thompson, Information Manager at Guts UK

Focus on Five

A healthy start to your day with an oaty breakfast, 5 sources of fibre, a touch of red from cranberries to add in some zing. No heating up in the microwave or a pan on the stove needed, just your cereal bowl and a spoon. The cornflakes add crunch to each mouthful, or let them go soggy if you prefer a more porridge-like texture!

Makes: 1 portion • Fibre per serving: 8g


  • 2 tbsp (15g)      porridge oats
  • 2 tbsp (20g)      oat bran
  • 1tbsp (12g)       linseeds, whole or ground
  • 1tbsp (15g)       dried cranberries
  • 20g                   cornflakes

Milk of your choice

How to make:

Mix all 5 dry ingredients together in your breakfast cereal bowl.

Add your own choice of milk – semi-skimmed or skimmed cow’s milk, or if plant-based, check that it is calcium-enriched.

Please note these recipes are not suitable for people who have been advised to follow a low fibre or low residue diet.