Guts UK/Dr Falk Awards
This grant is now closed and is expected to reopen in November 2024.
For updates, please refer to this webpage or email
Guts UK/Dr Falk awards recognise the achievements of those who bring new insight to gastroenterology, pancreatology and hepatology, and the collaboration that furthers patient care. These awards are an opportunity to achieve national recognition as well as financial support for career progression.
The awards comprise:
- A £1,000 prize for the best essay on gastroenterology (including hepatology and pancreatology) research personally undertaken by medical students studying in the UK who were on an intercalated BSc/MRes/MSc/MPH/MD/MBPhD* course during the previous academic year (2022/23). Apply for this award.
- Four £1,500 prizes for medical students taking full-time science degrees in the UK (BSc/MRes/MSc/MPH/MD/MBPhD*) focusing on gastroenterology (including hepatology and pancreatology) in the current academic year (2023/24). Apply for this award.
- Two £2,500 awards for UK-based F1/F2 doctors to facilitate prospective research in an area relevant to gastroenterology (including hepatology and pancreatology). Apply for this award.
- A £1,000 prize for UK-based primary and secondary care nurses working in gastroenterology (including hepatology and pancreatology) for initiatives that have improved patient care. Guts UK and Dr Falk want to encourage nurses to apply. We would also like to invite colleagues to nominate nurses to this award as well. Colleagues can email with the name of their nominee and a brief explanation of why they want to put their colleague forward. Guts UK will then contact the nominee to encourage the potential applicant. Apply for this award.
- A £1,000 prize for UK-based dietitians working in gastroenterology (including hepatology and pancreatology) for initiatives that have improved patient care. Apply for this award.
- A £1,000 prize for UK-based pharmacists working in gastroenterology (including hepatology and pancreatology) in primary and secondary care who have developed programmes and initiatives that have improved patient care in some capacity. Apply for this award.
- Up to £10,000 is available for UK-based gastroenterology SpR trainees (who hold a National Training Number) who would like to conduct an audit or quality improvement project in any area of gastroenterology (including hepatology and pancreatology) or nutrition. Refer to the SpR award’s criteria for more information and to the Guts UK Grants Terms and Conditions and ensure you have raised any pertinent issues with relevant staff. Applicants considering applying for the SpR Audit/Quality Improvement Awards as a network can download tips and advice on how to set up a successful trainee network. Apply for this award.
- This grant is now closed and is expected to reopen in November 2024. For updates please refer to this web-page or email
*PhD students should note that they may apply for the medical student prize only once during their three-year studentship and that they may apply for the essay prize when their PhD has been completed.
Check out our previous winners of the Guts UK/Dr Falk awards by clicking here!