forCrohns/Guts UK collaboration
Find out about the grant call and the research grants jointly supported by the collaboration between forCrohns and Guts UK.
forCrohns and Guts UK collaborated in 2018 on a joint grant call for research projects on Crohn’s disease. forCrohns is a volunteer-run charity with a mission to fund research that helps those with Crohn’s disease today and contributes towards finding a cure in the future.
The grant call focused on the top ten research priorities identified in the James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership on Inflammatory Bowel Disease. The maximum award was £50,000 per project for up to 2 years and the call was open to established investigators, both clinicians and scientists, based at a UK university or hospital.
Two grants were awarded in 2018:
- Dr Konstantinos Gerasimidis (University of Glasgow): A pilot study to assess the clinical efficacy of the novel CD-TREAT diet in patients with active Crohn’s disease
- Dr Nick Powell (King´s College London): TNFα responsive transcriptional networks in the human intestinal epithelium- the key to predicting therapeutic responses to anti-TNFα in Crohn’s disease?
forCrohns and Guts UK will launch a second joint call on Crohn´s disease in June 2019. Information on the new grant call will be available from the Guts UK Grants&Award page.