Dr David Humes (Diverticular disease)

...the bowel, especially on the left side. Pain, bloating, and diarrhoea or constipation (pellet-like stools) are common symptoms. If one of the pouches becomes infected or inflamed the condition is...

5th September 2016

Exciting New Breakthrough for IBS Sufferers

...right through their gut and cause gut problems, such as diarrhoea, pain and boating, or constipation. The Low FODMAP Diet aims to minimise the intake of foods that are high...

15th February 2018

Living with IBS – Nikki Clarke

...flare-up, it pounced. Everything that I ate gave me bloating, pain and constipation. I increased the exercise and maintained a healthy diet, but nothing changed. I worked myself up to...

23rd December 2017

Exciting New Breakthrough for IBS Sufferers

...digest and absorb these sugars, which means they pass right through their gut and cause gut problems, such as diarrhoea, pain and boating, or constipation. The Low FODMAP Diet aims...

22nd January 2018

Nikki’s Story – Living with IBS

...Vietnamese diet, of trying really hard to limit an IBS flare-up, it pounced. Everything that I ate gave me bloating, pain and constipation. I increased the exercise and maintained a...

4th June 2018

The Low FODMAP Diet for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

...relieving the pain, toilet trips are no panacea, as those affected also suffer from abnormal bowel movements, with some people experiencing diarrhoea, some people having constipation and a third group...

3rd September 2018

Time to talk about Poo

...Many don’t drink as much fluid, or exercise as much as they should. This can lead to problems such as constipation, which can be very debilitating, and in the elderly...

4th December 2018

A brown poop emoji with googly eyes and a wide smile.

Our personal plumbing system

...Another common condition of the large bowel is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). People with IBS experience cramp-like pain and abnormal bowel movements, such as diarrhoea, constipation, or sometimes both alternately....

18th January 2023

Tips and Suggestions

...that you don’t end up becoming constipated. Speak to your GP about what you can do or take to relieve constipation. For some patients it helps their pain to start...

10th April 2019