If you have followed us for a while, you will know Guts UK are passionate about investing in researchers of the future. To keep the bright, enquiring minds of tomorrow as our ‘guardians of the gut, liver and pancreas’, we recognise and award their talent early on in their career. Imagine ways in which we could improve the lives of those with liver disease…
Meet Dr Nadir Abbas, a Liver Medicine Registrar (doctor in training) at University Hospital Birmingham.
Guts UK Charity has awarded Dr Abbas £10,000 to create a website hosting videos for patients with liver conditions. This website will go one crucial step further by providing this easy-to-understand information in multiple languages. It will also be culturally appropriate for patients and their families.
Why did you decide to work in liver disease, Dr Abbas?
“Liver disease is on the rise, with 40 people dying from liver disease every day in the UK. It’s crucial that patients fully understand their diagnosis of liver cirrhosis (liver scarring). With full knowledge of their condition, patients can make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle”.
Why are you producing the videos in multiple languages?
“There is often a healthcare barrier for those with limited English, and medical jargon is difficult to understand. Research has shown that those with a language barrier face a poorer outcome than those speaking the local language. Research has also shown that short videos are highly effective as an information tool.
By producing simple patient information videos in multiple languages, we hope to improve the lives of patients and families affected by liver conditions throughout the UK.”
How do you know if the videos have worked?
“Similar projects in Australia and Canada have been a huge success. Learning from similar projects, we will spend the £10,000 on: developing the website, expertly translating the information, producing the videos, advertising, animation, editing and more. To gauge whether these have been successful in improving patient understanding, we will include a questionnaire before and after the video.”
Guts UK is the only UK charity funding research into the digestive system from top to tail; the gut, liver and pancreas.
People are suffering. People are dying. All because of a lack of knowledge about our guts. Guts UK exists to change that.
With new knowledge, we will end the pain and suffering for the millions affected by digestive diseases. Please consider donating today. Your donation will help fund research leading to earlier diagnoses, kinder treatments and ultimately, a cure.