Guts. We all have them, around 25ft of them. But we don’t like to talk about them, so when something goes wrong, we don’t know where to turn to get help.
Collaboration is key:
Guts UK and Imodium® have joined forces for the first time in 2023 to tackle the stigma around gut health and diarrhoea. Combined, we have over 100 years of expertise in gut health. Imodium® is an over-the-counter medication used to relieve diarrhoea, containing loperamide, which helps to gently slow the digestive system back into a normal rhythm.
Together, we’re raising awareness of better gut health and how this links back to your overall health and wellbeing.
Diarrhoea – don’t struggle through:
Tiegan has Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and can get diarrhoea on a weekly basis. Read her full story here.
“When I have flare-ups, I find heat is my best friend. A hot water bottle is so comforting and soothing, and eases cramping pains too. When I feel that my gut really isn’t going to be my friend today, and I know I’ve got a busy day ahead that involves leaving the house, I’ll take loperamide. Especially if I know where I’m going has limited toilet access. It’s a comfort to know I’ve done all I can to prepare myself for the day.” – Tiegan.
How we’re working together:
Imodium’s research found that 1 in 10 people globally suffer with diarrhoea frequently, and Guts UK’s research found that 51% of people delay seeking advice for their digestive symptoms for over six months. We want to encourage people to talk about their guts and seek help. You’re not alone.
On toilet doors across the country, we’ll be raising awareness or diarrhoea and gut health, and in pharmacies too. You may spot us in Men’s Health and Women’s Health, and magazines for pharmacists too.
Imodium® are donating £20,000 to Guts UK Charity. With this generosity, Guts UK can reach and help more people than ever before. We’re empowering people to seek help, and not suffer in silence.