From Fundraising Superstar to Future Gut Doctor!

6th January 2021

Yasmin, Where did your interest in the digestive system begin?

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) runs in my family. Many of my loved ones also have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), including myself, so the subject is very close to my heart.

I actually found myself attending a lecture a couple of years ago about gut bacteria. From that point on, I was completely and utterly hooked. I was fascinated by just how much the bacteria in our gut can impact upon so many aspects of our health. To think that we have only just scratched the surface too – there’s so much more research to be done. I would just love to be a part of that research.

How did you find Guts UK?

Whilst trying to understand digestive diseases and symptoms a little more, I found Guts UK’s patient information online. It was very easy to understand and after a little more reading into their work, I discovered their innovative research and awareness raising too.

I then went on to spend a week’s experience at my local hospital in the gastroenterology department. Only there could I truly see the devastating impact digestive diseases have upon so many lives.

This work experience was the best week of my life. I came away with so much new knowledge and I knew for certain what I wanted to do in the future.

Tell everyone about your virtual mountain climb!

During my first fundraiser for Guts UK – I visited my college and hospital armed with Guts UK’s patient information. I found the public to be just as intrigued by the subject as I was, and I managed to raise almost £150 which I was so pleased with.

However, this year’s fundraising challenge for Guts UK was my biggest yet. During lockdown, I climbed Mount Everest – virtually, from home! 3,781 flights of stairs later, I had raised a whopping £223 (and my legs ached a little!) I had only set a target of £50, so I was really overwhelmed by the support I received.

You just achieved some fantastic results at A-Level. What’s next?

I’m delighted to have received the results at A-Level that I needed, so the next stop is Imperial College London to study medicine, with the aspiration to specialise in gastroenterology someday! The digestive system although fascinating, is very complex. I’m so eager to play my part in the much-needed future research. You never know, one day I could be a Guts UK researcher!

Team Guts UK were delighted to hear Yasmin aspired towards a career in gastroenterology – we’re sure you’ll agree that with her passion and dedication, she will make a fine gut doctor. If Yasmin has inspired you to support our work too, contact us today on 01484 483123 or email


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