How we use YOUR donations to change & save lives

28th October 2020

Guts UK has three charitable objectives:

  1. Provide expert information to patients
  2. Raise awareness of digestive health
  3. Fund research into the digestive system from top to tail; the gut, liver and pancreas

At Guts UK, we are dedicated to research. 69p per pound spent in 2019 funded research into diseases of the gut, liver and pancreas.

How the remaining 31p was spent:

  • Providing crucial information to patients: Information is power! Armed with information, patients can take control of their health and make informed decisions.
  • Public awareness: Raising awareness of gut health and digestive diseases is crucial. 58% of people with a digestive condition are embarrassed about their condition/symptoms, and 51% of people delay seeking advice for their symptoms for over six months. When the Guts UK roadshow comes to town, we empower people to seek help.
  • Governance & cost of generating income

Sign up to a regular gift of £3 today. Let's get to grips with guts, and save lives.

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