Dr Laith Al Rubaiy (Endoscopy)
Guts UK/Dr Falk Spr Trainee Audit/Quality Improvement Award Winner 2018

Institution: University Hospital of Wales and University Hospital of Llandough in Cardiff
Title: Using Patients’ endoscopy educational VIDeos to improve their Experience and OutcomeS (P-VIDEOS) study
Project start date: 1st June 2018
Completion date: 31st December 2018
Summary: The field of endoscopy is developing rapidly and new techniques and procedures are introduced every year. The medical profession recognises the importance of patient satisfaction to be able to achieve excellence in healthcare. Patient satisfaction has become a key indicator of the quality of gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy procedures. It can also identify differences between hospital centres and regions, and highlight areas that might need improvement.
It is, therefore, increasingly important to measure patient satisfaction to understand how those endoscopy procedures affect patients’ lives and what impact they have on their healthcare.
However, measuring patient satisfaction accurately requires the right tools and resources. Dr Alrubaiy and his colleagues have recently developed and published a new patient satisfaction questionnaire, called the Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Satisfaction Questionnaire (GESQ). GESQ is a suitable tool to measure satisfaction in patients who had endoscopy.
Dr Alrubaiy will use this study to measure whether watching specially-made, short, educational videos about endoscopy procedures has an effect on patient’s satisfaction. The patients will watch those video at home or at their bedside before having an endoscopy and Dr Alrubaiy hopes that watching the videos will improve the patient’s experience, for example by reducing anxiety before the procedure. Dr Alrubaiy will use the GESQ to measure patient satisfaction and collect information on the patient’s experience, and then compare their findings with the level of satisfaction obtained with the standard level of care, where no videos of procedures are shown to patients.
After he has examined any differences in patient satisfaction elicited by the videos, Dr Alrubaiy will then report his findings back to healthcare providers to support and improve the quality of care of patients. Dr Alrubaiy hopes this project will improve patients’ knowledge and experience when having endoscopy. He aims to publish the results widely to different endoscopy centres in the UK to ensure greater reach and benefit.
My vision is to improve health services and optimise patients' experience when having endoscopy.
Dr Laith Alrubaiy