Kranky Panky 2020 – The month of the pancreas!

30th October 2020

What is pancreatitis?

The pancreas is a gland that produces the digestive enzymes that are crucial for turning food and liquid into the building blocks our body needs to function effectively. It also produces hormones.

Pancreatitis occurs when the pancreas becomes inflamed. It is recognised as one of the 20 most painful conditions you can suffer from by the NHS. When treating 20 patients in hospital with acute pancreatitis, it’s expected that 5 will become seriously unwell, with signs of organ failure and the need for a bed in critical care.

What is Kranky Panky?

Each November at Guts UK, we run a month-long Pancreatitis Awareness Campaign called Kranky Panky. We share a story a day throughout November, reaching hundreds of thousands of people, raising much-needed awareness and funding crucial research.

Read Kranky Panky 2020 real-life stories here

Gordon’s Story

In August, Gordon’s loved ones walked a total of 77 miles, remembering their father, partner and grandfather. The family were hoping to do the KiltWalk in Gordon’s memory, but when it was cancelled due to Covid-19 – they took their fundraising virtual. Jenni, Linda, Lisa, Wendy, Joan, Nikki and Suzi all walked 11 miles. Most walked from Gordon’s birthplace, to his last house.

“Gordon was gentle and kind – nothing was too much trouble. He had a mischievous sense of fun and humour, loved spending time with family and friends (especially his seven grandchildren). He enjoyed days out, holidays, golf, football and kitkats! Gordon was looking forward to celebrating his 65th birthday with a family party and holidays in the Cairgorms and Mexico.

On 7th September 2019, he began to experience severe abdominal pain and was rushed to hospital. Within 24 hours, his organs began to fail and he spent two weeks in intensive care. He died a week after his 65th birthday. Losing him has left a gaping hole in all our lives. By supporting Guts UK, our family wants to be part of the research that will prevent this from happening to other families.”

There is still no effective treatment for pancreatitis. Guts UK is the only UK charity funding a research fellowship into pancreatitis. Our current research fellow is investigating the inflammatory reaction that occurs during pancreatitis, which can damage organs and cause organ failure.

Severe acute pancreatitis will kill 1 in 4 patients affected. We are dedicated to finding an effective treatment for this devastating disease. Be part of life-saving research by donating to Guts UK today.


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