Final day of this year’s Kranky Panky pancreatitis awareness campaign

30th November 2018

Today marks the end of Guts UK’s Kranky Panky Pancreatitis Awareness Campaign. This month, over 30 people have bravely shared their own and their loved ones’ experiences with pancreatitis. Pancreatitis has historically been overlooked, however, we hope with this campaign, more people will start talking about pancreatitis, and understand the difficulties of all those who are affected by the disease.

The team at Guts UK would like to give a warm thank you to all of those who have shared their stories. Your strength and determination has been inspiring. We hope increasing awareness of pancreatitis will encourage more research into this area and help improve patient support.

We are very grateful to all our supporters for your kind words. You have been vital to the success of this campaign.

Although this is just the first, we will continue to work all year long to make this a high profile annual campaign.

If you would like to read more about Guts UK’s #KrankyPanky Pancreatitis Awareness Campaign, please click the following link:

Please continue to share with everyone you know who may be interested.

All the best,
The Guts UK team

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