Breakthrough Funding for IBD

11th December 2017

(Shelley Whittington from the Hospital Saturday Fund (seen left) presenting the cheque to Katie Haddad, Alice Kington and Fiona Veira.)

On 9 December 2017 – The Hospital Saturday Fund presented a cheque at the BSG to our fabulous Trust Fundraiser, Katie Haddad and our brilliant Head of Research Fiona Veira. £2,000 was received for Professor Chris Probert’s research project into Paediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease which is in collaboration with BSPGHAN, the Society representing specialists working in childhood gut, liver and nutrition disorders.

This project led by Professor Chris Probert at the University of Liverpool will investigate whether yeast infections might be involved in the development of Crohn’s Disease in children. It has the potential to improve the health, emotional wellbeing, educational and social impact that Crohn’s disease has on these children. It will commence for 1 year in April 2018.

You can check out the Hospital Saturday Fund website for more info on what they do

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