Dr Jemima Finkel

Project: "Bacterial Translocation in Cirrhosis and its Complications."

Medical Student Prize Winner 2024

Dr Finkel is smiling at the camera.

Dr Finkel summarises:

Mortality from liver disease continues to rise.  As liver disease progresses and causes cirrhosis (an accumulation of scar tissue in the liver cells), an increased pressure on the associated blood vessels occurs, named portal hypertension. This results in the accumulation of abdominal fluid and bleeding from the gullet (variceal haemorrhage). Once these symptoms occur, a patient’s quality of life reduces drastically, and there is also a higher risk of infection and dying. 

During cirrhosis, there is an increase in bacteria transferring from the gut into the mesenteric lymph nodes and circulation (termed bacterial translocation). Recent evidence has shown that this process further worsens portal hypertension. 

My project involves two studies aimed at improving our understanding of bacterial translocation in cirrhosis. 

The first study aims to map out the process of bacterial translocation by testing samples from different blood vessels around the gut and the liver to detect differences in the patterns and assess these for any correlation with patient outcomes. 

Non-selective beta-blockers are commonly used to treat portal hypertension in order to reduce the risk of variceal haemorrhage. Research has shown that they increase survival beyond reducing bleeding and suggests that they may improve the motility and leakiness of the gut, therefore reducing bacterial translocation.  The second part of the study aims to assess and quantify these potential effects using blood tests as well as performing small bowel MRI scans and subsequently assessing for any associations with longer term patient outcomes.

What did it feel like to win this award?

I am immensely grateful to the Guts UK/Dr Falk committee for honouring me with this award.

My hope is that this work will have clinical relevance and a subsequent benefit to a wide cohort of patients and the recognition of this project endorses that. It provides me with personal motivation to continue to pursue an academic career in hepatology with the aim of conducting clinically applicable research that I can apply in my clinical care of patients.”

Read more about Dr. Finkel’s project, focused on the liver, below.


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