7th National Pancreas Patient & Public Forum – 2020

12th February 2020

**Please note that this forum has now been cancelled due to Covid-19. Please check Twitter @pancforumlpool for the latest updates**

Plans for the 7th National Pancreas Patient and Public Forum are now taking shape, with the next event due to take place on Friday 15 May 2020.

This free Forum is to be held at the Education Centre of the Royal Liverpool University Hospital and is open to anyone who wants to be involved in learning about and developing the care of people with pancreatic disease.

Pancreatitis is a priority for Guts UK charity. Guts UK is the only UK charity funding a research fellowship into pancreatitis, and we’re dedicated to finding a treatment for this devastating condition.

Pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer are major problems in the UK that hugely affect people’s lives. Despite this, most people never think about their pancreas, where it is, what it does or how vital it is, until it goes wrong.

The event is hosted by the Liverpool Pancreas Patient and Public Involvement Group, which is formed by members who are either patients, carers and/or members of the public affected by pancreatic disease. The group is also supported by clinical members of staff at Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. All members share a passion for improving experiences for patients, potential patients, carers, researchers and hospital staff, and the Forum provides opportunities to encourage involvement, engagement in research and understanding of the diseases.

A record number of people attended the 2019 forum, which provided a platform for a number of researchers to feedback on their work as well to host presentations and discussions on a range of issues related to those suffering with pancreatic disease. 

“After the Forum, we asked those who attended to let us know what they thought. 100% of those who responded reported that the event was worthwhile and respondents gave detailed feedback on what they would like to hear about in 2020,” said Karen Manby, chair of the Liverpool Pancreas Patient and Public Involvement Group.

“The agenda for the 2020 forum is currently being finalised based on this feedback, and will include presentations on the NICE guidelines for different pancreatic diseases and how these can be used by patients and carers.”

As part of the upcoming Forum, there will also be smaller breakout presentations to allow attendees to hear about research of particular interest in acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. There will also be opportunities to attend smaller group meetings addressing topics on chemotherapy, the trauma of intensive care, paediatric pancreatitis, living with a diagnosis as well as diet and medication. Over lunch those who wish to can learn more about the stories of other patients and carers.

If you have an interest or any concerns about pancreatic conditions and would like to receive more information about the 2020 Forum or the Patient and Public Involvement Group, please email [email protected] or call 0151 706 3665. Full details will be sent out after registration.

Guts UK fund the only research fellowship into pancreatitis in the UK. Dr James O’Kelly is the current pancreatitis research fellow and you can read more about his research here.


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