Guts for Life

You may have seen our "Guts for Life" spread in our Spring 2019 newsletter, but we want to share the message far and wide.


From birth to old age, our guts are central to our wellbeing. They act as our own personal plumbing system and many of us take them for granted – that is until something goes wrong.

Guts UK is the only charity covering all areas of the digestive system: the gut, liver and pancreas. We want to live in a world where digestive disorders are better understood, better treated and everyone that lives with one gets the support they so desperately need. In our time, we’ve invested over £15 million pounds into crucial research to fight diseases of the gut, liver and pancreas. But we can’t do it alone.

Your involvement and donations allow us to keep fighting. Whether you’re fundraising with your school friends or leaving a legacy in your will, the support we receive allows us to continue the fight to put digestive health on the map.