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Get involved in IBD research

Guts UK support important projects to help improve the care of patients with IBD. One of this studies is a project being undertaken by researchers at St Mark’s Hospital, London. The team at St Mark’s,...

27th September 2018

Exciting New Breakthrough for IBS Sufferers

Guts UK is excited about recent research on Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) from Professor Kevin Whelan, at King’s College London. Knitted guts created by Women’s Institute group Cupcakes and Cocktails IBS affects 1 in 7...

15th February 2018

First Dr Falk/Core SpR Award Winner is…

Congratulations to Dr Palak Trivedi for winning the first Dr Falk/Guts UK SpR Award The winner of the first Dr Falk Pharma/Guts UK SpR Trainee Audit/Quality Improvement Award has been announced by the expert panel....

20th December 2017

Breakthrough Funding for IBD

(Shelley Whittington from the Hospital Saturday Fund (seen left) presenting the cheque to Katie Haddad, Alice Kington and Fiona Veira.) On 9 December 2017 – The Hospital Saturday Fund presented a cheque at the BSG...

11th December 2017

Promising new drugs for pancreatitis being developed

Pancreatitis, both acute and chronic, is a priority area of research for Guts UK. Attacks of pancreatitis can be extremely painful and make people very unwell. The inflammation associated with the disease can spread to...

1st November 2017

Launching the Less Survivable Cancers Taskforce

People with six deadliest cancers have ‘outrageous’ 14 per cent chance on average of living for five years People with the six less survivable cancers in England are almost five times less likely to survive...

19th July 2017

Congratulations to Dr Laura Heath!

Dr Laura Heath, a recipient of the 2017 Dr Falk-Guts UK Research Grant, has been featured in the Oxford Mail. Read the article by clicking here. If you’d like to learn more about the Dr...

2nd July 2017