Update November 2024: How to deal with Creon, Nutrizym or Pancrex supply issues

27th November 2024


Issue date: 17th November 2024 (Version 5). Please ensure you are reading the most up to date version.  

The most up to date advice can be found on the Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (PSGBI) website, the correct version of this document is version 4: https://www.psgbi.org/position-statement-pert-shortage/.

If you would like a printed copy, you can email us at [email protected] or call us on 0207 486 0341. 

Manufacturers have customer support lines that may help you find a pharmacist nearby with stock. The number to call for Creon is 0800 808 6410 (Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm) and the number to call for Nutrizym is 0800 090 2408 (Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm).


Advice for children and those with cystic fibrosis: Please note the advice in this document is designed for adults with PEI. Specialist advice should be sought for children with PEI. People with cystic fibrosis (CF) will be cared for by a specialist centre. We have highlighted that some of the advice provided here is not for people with CF. If you have CF, you should contact your specialist team if you have any concerns. 


Advice for those with neuroendocrine neoplasms (non-pancreatic) treated with somatostatin analogues: Somatostatin analogues are the medicines Lanreotide (Somatuline®)/Octreotide (Sandostatin®). Please contact your specialist centre if your symptoms worsen, or you have any concerns.   


Doctors prescribe pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy. It supports adequate digestion in people with pancreatic exocrine insufficiency (PEI). Most commonly PEI is caused by pancreatic cancer, pancreatitis, pancreatic surgery, neuroendocrine cancers and cystic fibrosis (CF).  

Many other clinical situations can cause primary or secondary PEI. These include: 

  • Type 3c diabetes.
  • Gastrectomy (stomach removal surgery) or gastric bypass surgery.  
  • People who take the medicine somatostatin analogues [Lanreotide (Somatuline®)/Octreotide (Sandostatin®)] for the treatment of neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs). 

PEI has many causes but symptoms and their severity vary from person to person.  

The ongoing supply issues surrounding pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT) is going to continue till 2026. PERT are supplied under the product brands: Creon®, Nutrizym® and Pancrex®. These supply issues are intermittent. They mean some people are running out of PERT. Or, they are having trouble getting PERT. This position paper gives advice to minimize the impact on your symptoms and quality of life. This advice is designed for everyone who takes PERT. 

Current supplies (October 2024) 

  • Creon® 25,000 is being delivered regularly into the UK, but at 90-95% of the usual stock levels. 
  • Creon® 10,000 is available in limited supplies and should be prioritised for babies/infants and those unable who cannot swallow capsules and are unable to open them. 
  • Nutrizym 22® is available in limited supplies and should be prioritised for those who can not tolerate Creon.
  • Pancrex® products are available, but there is not any extra supply, so they cannot fill the gap in the market.
  • Pharmacies have been provided with information to support them obtaining medication from abroad if they are not able to source any PERT from within the UK. 

For the most up to date information on current supplies please check the Specialist Pharmacy Service website here. This website also has a tool to help healthcare professionals to change the type of PERT. Please contact us if you would like a copy on [email protected] or call 020 7486 0341.  


Symptoms of untreated PEI may include: 

  • Bloating
  • Excess wind
  • Diarrhoea
  • Crampy abdominal pain
  • Urgency to open bowels
  • Steatorrhea (pale floating stools)
  • Hard to manage blood glucose levels
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
  • Weight loss and malnutrition.  

These symptoms are usually treated by taking PERT and will recur if you are unable to take enough.  

We may update this advice as we get more guidance. And, as we get more experience in managing PEI without enough PERT. We have divided the advice for people with PEI into three stages. The stage depends on the supply available. 

  • Stage 1: What to do if you have a supply. 
  • Stage 2: What to do if you think you are going to run out.  
  • Stage 3: What to do if you have run out. 

PERT is still being delivered regularly into the UK. So, people will move back and forth between these stages. It is not expected for people to completely run out of PERT for long. So, if we do have to use the advice in stage 2 or 3, it is thought that this will only be for a short period of time. 


Whilst PERT supply issues continue, please do not stockpile them. Stockpiling will further drive the shortage. 

The Department of Health and Social Care has recommended that only a 1-month supply is issued at a time. This is to try and regulate supplies. So, if you now get 2-3 months of your PERT at a time, you will need to refill your prescriptions more often.  

If you pay for your prescription, you should consider applying for a pre-payment certificate. This will help to reduce the cost of prescription charges. You can find more at https://www.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/help-nhs-prescription-costs/nhs-prescription-prepayment-certificate-ppc

  • Please request your prescription as soon as the pharmacy has dispensed (given you) your earlier one. This should give the community pharmacist time to source your medication.  
  • It is important that you check with your GP surgery that the prescription request has been authorised. Some GP surgeries have an automated system. It rejects repeat prescriptions if they are placed too early. 
  • If you still receive a paper prescription. Ask for your PERT prescription on a single script. This will let you take it to another pharmacy if needed, without disrupting your other medications. 
  • You may need a change in your repeat prescriptions if what you usually have is not available. There are three brands of PERT usually currently in the UK.  
  • Pharmacies should also be able to order in medicines from abroad. 

The following advice will make your PERT as effective as possible:  

  • Remember to store your PERT appropriately. All PERT should be stored below 25 degrees, and some brands recommend refrigeration. If PERT gets too hot it does not work properly, this damage cannot be reversed.  
  • Taking the PERT throughout the meal rather than all at the start/middle/end improves how well it digests the food and drinks you are eating/drinking.  
  • Ensure that you use your PERT before it goes out of date. If you store PERT in different places (i.e. at work), make sure you rotate your supplies to prevent any wastage. 

Stage 1 summary:

Please make sure you: 

  • Use your PERT as effectively as possible. Store it correctly and make sure it does not go out of date. 
  • Put your next prescriptions in as soon as your earlier one has been dispensed. 
  • Check each prescription. Make sure it was approved by your GP surgery. 
  • Do not stockpile PERT – this makes the whole situation worse. 
  • Be prepared to receive a different brand of PERT to the one you are normally prescribed. 

STAGE 2: What to do if you are going to run out

If your pharmacist can’t get PERT for you and you are waiting for a delivery, take these steps. They will help your existing supply last as long as possible. Manufacturers have customer support lines that may help you find a pharmacist nearby with stock. For Creon, call 0800 808 6410 and for Nutrizym, call 0800 090 2408 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm).

If you have cystic fibrosis, please contact your specialist centre.  

If you are having chemotherapy, preparing for surgery, recovering from surgery, having difficulty eating or struggling with malnutrition, it is important that you do not restrict your PERT dose as this may have an impact on the rest of your treatment. Please contact your managing hospital and request a rescue prescription. 

If you are not already taking one talk to your doctor about taking a proton pump inhibitor. Examples include: 

  • omeprazole® 
  • pantoprazole® 
  • lansoprazole® 

Or a (H2)-receptor antagonist. Examples include: 

  • famotidine®  
  • nizatidine® 

These reduce the acid in your stomach and make the enzymes more efficient. This means a lower PERT dose than your usual dose may be effective if you have a proton pump inhibitor as well. If this does not appear to be effective, they may be stopped. This may not be appropriate for everyone. 

If you don’t take vitamins and minerals, we recommend that you take a calcium and vitamin D supplement. It should contain 800iu Vitamin D and at least 500mg Calcium. Also, take a multi-vitamin and mineral during this time.  

For example: 

  • Sanatogen A-Z Complete®.  
  • Centrum Advance®.  
  • Or, a supermarket’s own A-Z brand. Please ensure they have both vitamins and minerals. 

People with CF should stay on their vitamins and minerals. They should discuss any concerns with their CF specialist dietitian.

How to reduce your dose to make your supplies last longer 


  • Reduce the dose of PERT by one capsule with any snacks that you take. 
  • Make the most of the meals you have and spread your PERT out throughout them to optimise digestion.

If this is not enough: 

  • Reduce the dose of PERT by one capsule with each meal and snack, rather than skip whole meal doses. 

If this is not enough: 

  • Reduce the dose of PERT by one capsule with each meal and only have a small piece of fruit as a snack in order that you do not need to take any PERT with snacks. 

Please contact your dietitian/nurse specialist or doctor if you are struggling with malabsorption symptoms or are consistently losing weight. 

If you are taking other medication, be aware this may not be as effective as normal, speak to your doctor if this is the case. If you are on the oral contraceptive pill, you should use a second form of contraception. 

Example meal plans 

This is an example of a meal plan with adequate PERT (11 capsules per day).  

Meal  Example of food consumed   Usual PERT dose  
Breakfast   Bowl of cereal with milk and a yoghurt  

Orange juice and cup of tea  

2 x 25,000  
Snack   Cup of tea with 2 x rich tea biscuits   1 x 25,000  
Lunch   Tuna sandwich, packet of crisps, banana and a chocolate biscuit   3 x 25,000  
Snack   Cup of coffee and a piece of cake   1 x 25,000  
Dinner   Cottage pie, vegetables and a scoop of ice cream, Glass of lemonade   4 x 25,000  


Suggested changes if you do not have adequate PERT, but are nutritionally well (weight stable) or have diabetes. Here the PERT use is reduced to 5 capsules/day. 


Meal   Example of food consumed   PERT dose   Explanation  
Breakfast   Bowl of cereal with skimmed milk and a low fat yoghurt, and cup of tea   1 x 25,000   Dose reduced and milk & yoghurt swapped to a low-fat one to reduce any symptoms of insufficient PERT  
Snack   Cup of tea with an apple     Biscuits swapped for an apple so PERT not required  
Lunch   Tuna sandwich, packet of corn crisps (Skips®/Wotsits® /Quavers® etc.), banana and a sugar free jelly.   2 x 25,000   Dose reduction and reduction in fat content to reduce symptoms  
Snack   Cup of coffee     No snack to reduce dose  
Dinner   Cottage pie (made with lean mince and fat drained off / turkey mince), vegetables and a scoop of sorbet/low fat yoghurt, sugar-free lemonade   2 x 25,000   Dose reduction and reduction in fat content to reduce symptoms  


Suggested changes if you do not have adequate PERT but are losing weight and do not have diabetes. Here the PERT use is reduced to 5 capsules/day.   


Meal   Example of food consumed   PERT dose   Explanation  
Breakfast   Bowl of cereal with skimmed milk and a low fat yoghurt with honey, orange juice and cup of tea   1 x 25,000   Dose reduction, low fat products to reduce symptoms and added sugar to replace energy  


Snack   Cup of tea with marshmallows or sugary sweets    Fat free high sugar snack  


Lunch   Tuna sandwich, packet of corn  

crisps (Skips®/Wotsits®  

/Quavers® etc.), Jelly and a  

chocolate biscuit  

2 x 25,000   Dose reduction, low-fat products to reduce symptoms and added sugar to replace energy  


Snack   Cup of coffee and a banana    Low fat snack to reduce dose  
Dinner   Cottage pie, vegetables and a  

scoop of sorbet with syrup  

Glass of full sugar lemonade  

2 x 25,000   Dose reduction, low fat products to reduce symptoms and added sugar to replace energy



Tips if you are needing to take more capsules of a lower dose as your usual capsules are not available, and are struggling with the number of capsules you need to take.  

  • If you have some high dose PERT left, take this with you when you go out, and use the low dose capsules when you are at home.
  • If swallowing the capsules is putting you off your meals take some of them at the end of the meal. For instance, if you need to take 20 capsules with your meals, take 5 at the start, 5 in the middle and 10 at the end.  
  • Ensure you do not chew or crush the tablets, this will make them less effective and can damage your gums or cause unpleasant mouth ulcers.  

 Advice for people with diabetes  

If your diabetes is controlled by diet or you take Metformin/DPP-4 inhibitors (Gliptins)/ SGLT 2 inhibitors (Gliflozins) without any other medication, you do not need to change any of your diabetes management.  

If you take insulin or medicines that can cause a hypo/low blood sugar (i.e. Gliclazide) please read the advice below carefully:  

If you take less enzymes with your food, you are likely to absorb less starchy carbohydrate from food. Simple sugar absorption Is not affected by a lack of PERT. This will mean that usual carbohydrate counting techniques may be less reliable. Therefore, you may need to reduce the amount of quick acting or mixed insulin you inject to prevent a hypo*.  

*A hypo is when your blood glucose level goes below 4mmol/l. 

Typical symptoms include  

  • Sweating  
  • Shaking  
  • Blurred vision  
  • Confusion  
  • Palpitations  

Always keep hypo treatment on you. You can find more information on recognising and treating a hypo from your diabetes team or by clicking here. 

You are only at risk of a hypo if you take medication that increase the amount of insulin in your blood. It is not usually possible to have a hypo if you have diet-controlled diabetes, or diabetes treated with metformin/DPP-4 inhibitors (Gliptins)/SGLT 2 inhibitors (Gliflozins) alone.  

Monitor your blood glucose levels regularly: before meals, before bed, if you are feeling unwell, if you feel like you are having a hypo* and before driving. If you are driving long distances, make sure you check your blood glucose levels at least every two hours. 

If you have a continuous glucose monitor, ensure you have the low alert alarm set. This will alert you if your blood sugars become low. If you are having more hypos than usual, you may need to contact your CF/NEN/diabetes team for advice on adjusting your insulin doses.  

If you have had a hypo, please make sure you have enough PERT to take with the starchy carbohydrate snack you take to maintain your blood sugars (digestive biscuit / sandwich / scone / crumpet etc.). Speak to your diabetes team for advice on reducing your insulin or medication if you start having hypo’s or need to reduce your PERT dose.  

Advice for people taking nutritional supplement drinks 

If you take oral nutritional supplements (i.e., Altraplen® Amyes®, Ensure®, Foodlink® Fortisip®, Fresubin®), ask your dietitian if they can be changed to a peptide / semi-elemental preparation (i.e., Vital 1.5kcal®, Survimed OPD 1.5kcal®, Peptisip Energy HP®) as most people can manage these without additional enzymes.  

These do not come in a wide range of flavours, but you can add milkshake mixes or coffee syrups to increase the range of flavours. Serve them chilled or freeze them into ice lolly moulds or ice cube trays to give you more options.  

Sometimes you may be asked to try individual protein supplements or a fat-free nutritional supplements (Actagain Juce®, Altrajuce®, Ensure Plus Juice®, Fortijuce®, Fresubin Jucy® etc.,). You should sip these slowly to give your gut more time to digest them without PERT. If you have diabetes monitor your blood glucose levels closely when taking these.  

If you feel bloated with these, don’t worry – this is a normal effect of taking these without PERT, but if it is affecting your quality of life, please let your dietitian know. 

Advice for people taking other medication 

Please be aware that other medication you take may be less effective if you are not absorbing. This is particularly important for people who take medications to prevent seizures, the formation of blood clots and the oral contraceptive pill. If you are on the oral contraceptive pill, a secondary form of contraception should be used at this time. Please talk to your doctor or specialist team. 

STAGE 3: What to do if you have run out

Do not worry, this should not last long.  

Ask your GP what plans are in place in your local area to support people who have run out of PERT. You may be able to talk to a pharmacist at your GP surgery about this.  

If you have had a total pancreatectomy or are taking insulin, please make an emergency (same day) appointment with your GP. You can show them this document.  

If you are under the care of a local hospital, please contact your local hospital team and ask for a rescue prescription. 

Symptom management without PERT

If you reduce your dose and start experiencing symptoms such as diarrhoea, severe bloating, or urgency to need to have your bowels open, here are some other steps to try to reduce the symptoms:  

  • If you are struggling with diarrhoea, consider taking some loperamide/Imodium® before your main meal. This should help to slow down your gut and reduce diarrhoea. The longer food is within your gut, the more chance more of it will be absorbed by your body.  

Please note, if this is a new sudden onset of diarrhoea, infection should be ruled out before loperamide is used.  

The above medicine (Loperamide) is not suitable for people with CF. Please contact your specialist CF Team)  

  • Reduce the amount of fat in your meal to ½ of your normal the portion size of higher fat foods (Table 1). This is likely to improve some of your gut symptoms but will not mean you absorb more nutrition or prevent malnutrition, so keep a close eye on your weight and strength.  
  • If you eat a lot of high fibre foods – consider reducing these as very high fibre foods can bind to enzymes and make them less effective. (Table 2) Healthy eating guidelines recommend adults try to eat 30g of fibre per day. We recommend not exceeding 40g at this time.  
  • If you do not have diabetes, use sugary foods and drinks to increase your energy intake. Table sugar does not require enzymes to be absorbed in your gut, so Lucozade, adding sugar/honey/syrup to foods and nibbling on sugary sweets/marshmallows (not chocolate) can help keep your energy levels up. But these do not provide any other nutrition so make sure you are having protein, vitamins and minerals from other sources.  
  • If you are losing weight, please speak to your dietitian or GP about taking some peptide based nutritional supplement drinks. These are a specialist type of supplement drink that require a lot less enzymes for absorption, so can usually be taken without PERT. These are called Vital 1.5kcal®, Survimed OPD 1.5kcal®, Peptisip Energy HP®. They are more expensive than other supplement drinks, but really useful if you cannot take PERT.  
  • If you have enough PERT to take some with your main meal, eat this as usual and use half the dose of supplement drinks in place of your other meals. 

 Advice for people taking other medication  

Please be aware that other medication you take may be less effective if you are not absorbing. This is particularly important for people who take medications to prevent seizures, the formation of blood clots and the oral contraceptive pill. If you are on the oral contraceptive pill, a secondary form of contraception should be used at this time.  

Please talk to your doctor or specialist team if you are taking medicines for other conditions. If you take medication to stop your blood from clotting (anti-coagulation) please inform your doctor that you have run out of PERT. Vitamin K which helps control blood clotting is a fat soluble vitamin and the absorption of this will be reduced whilst you are not on PERT. You may need more regular monitoring. 

Advice for people with diabetes 

You need a supply of PERT If you take insulin or medications that increase the amount of insulin in your blood (i.e. Gliclazide). You may be asked to travel to a hospital to collect this. In the meantime, you should monitor your blood sugars more regularly. If you have a continuous glucose monitoring device, ensure you have the low blood sugar alert set up.  

Check your blood sugars more regularly when driving and ensure you carry “hypo” treatments with you. Sugary foods such as dextrose tablets, glucogel®, and jelly sweets will still be absorbed, but your “long acting” carbohydrates (sandwiches/digestive biscuits etc.,) may not be as effective at maintaining your blood sugars when taken without PERT. 

Table 1: High fat foods and their lower fat alternatives 

  Reduce your portion size of these.  Have these instead: 
Fats and oils   Butter, lard, Ghee, Margarine, cooking oils   Small portions of low-fat spreads  

Use spray on cooking oils if needed  

Dairy products   Full fat milk / yoghurt  


Crème Fraiche  


Semi-skimmed or skimmed milk.  

Low fat yoghurts  

Use small amounts of grated cheese instead of slices of cheese – choose stronger cheeses to maximise taste.  

To increase your protein intake, make skimmed milk powder up using skimmed milk and use in place of milk throughout the day  

Meat and Fish   Fried foods or foods cooked in batter  


Skins / visible fat on meat  


Tinned fish, tinned in oil  

Meat and fish cooked without added oil  


Tinned fish, tinned in spring water / brine  

Plant based protein sources   Nut butters   Pulses (e.g. lentils, chickpeas, beans (note portion sizes in table 4)  

Quorn / Tofu – up to 100g  

Fruit & vegetables   No restrictions for low fat, see Table 4 for fibre suggestions  
Carbohydrate based foods   Croissants, pastries  


Chips / Fried  


Roast potatoes  

Bread, Breakfast cereals  


Potatoes, rice, pasta, cooked without added fat  

Sauces / Condiments   Cheese based sauces  

Creamy sauces (bearnaise, hollandaise etc.,)  

Large portions of mayonnaise 

Tomato based sauces, gravy,  

mustard, tomato ketchup, soy sauce,  

mint jelly, vinegar or low-fat salad  



*Please note: Patients with Carcinoid Syndrome, please do not introduce foods you have previously been advised to avoid. 

Table 2: High fibre foods. Aim for less than 40g fibre per day 

Very high fibre foods   High fibre foods  
Food   Portion providing 10g fibre   Food   Portion providing 5g fibre   Food   Portion providing 5g fibre  
All bran®   40g   Whole wheat pitta   1 large   Weetabix®   2 biscuits  
Brown pasta   250g (cooked)   Rye based crackers (i.e. Ryvita®)   4 biscuits   Shredded wheat®   2 biscuits  
Baked Beans   300g   Branflakes®/ Sultana Bran®, Fruit n/Fibre®   30g bowl   Porridge / Readybrek®   Large bowl (60g oats)  
Dried apricots / prunes   120g   Jacket potato with skin   1 medium   Pasta (white)   250g (cooked)  
Nuts and seeds   150g   Wholemeal spaghetti   150g (cooked)   Wholemeal bread   100g  
Dried lentils / chick peas /Mung beans   100g (weight before cooking)   Baked beans   150g   Quorn®   75g  
Dried soya beans / red kidney beans   70g (weight before cooking)   Green beans / peas (fresh or frozen)   120g   Spinach   5 tablespoons  
Desiccated coconut   70g   Sweetcorn   7 tablespoons   Avocado pear   1 whole fruit  

If you are without supplies for more than 3 to 4 days 

If you are under the care of a hospital team, contact them and see if they have sufficient supplies to issue a prescription for you – you will have to travel to the hospital to collect these if they have some available.  

Inform your pharmacist that you have completely run out, so your supply can be prioritised if possible. Try not to worry, supplies are regularly coming into the country – so running out completely will be a short-term issue. 

Try not to worry, supplies are regularly coming into the country. So, this will be a short-term issue. 

If you are unable to eat food because of your symptoms 

Drink plenty of fluids. Include Lucozade®, sports drinks or Dioralyte®.  

Ask your GP for a peptide nutritional supplement to be prescribed (Vital 1.5kcal®, Survimed OPD® 1.5kcal or Peptisip Energy HP®) – you can show them this leaflet. If you are known to a dietitian – they can be contacted too, but due to the massive increase in workload this PERT shortage is generating, you are likely to get these more quickly if you go directly to your GP.  

These can be used instead of meals until you have your enzymes again. If you do not have diabetes, you can continue to have sugary foods and drinks alongside these. The table below shows how many supplement drinks you should take if you do not have any PERT at all.  

These do not come in a wide range of flavours, but you can add milkshake mixes or coffee syrups to increase the range of flavours. Serve them chilled or freeze them into ice lolly moulds or ice cube trays to give you more variety. 

Recommended doses for peptide based nutritional supplement drinks if you are unable to absorb your food. 

Body weight   Supplements needed per day.  

(Vital 1.5kcal® or Survimed OPD 1.5kcal® or Peptisip Energy HP®)  

Below 40kg (6st 4lb)   Contact a dietitian  
40 – 50kg (6st 4lb- 7st 12lb)   4 x 200ml bottles = 1200kcal  
50 – 60kg (7st 12lb – 9st 6lb)   5 x 200ml bottles = 1500kcal  
60 – 70kg (9st 6lb – 11st)   6 x 200ml bottles = 1800kcal  
70 – 80kg (11st – 12st 8lb)   7 x 200ml bottles = 2100kcal  
80 – 90kg (12st 8lb – 14st 2lb)   8 x 200ml bottles = 2400kcal  
Over 90kg (14st 2lb)   Contact a dietitian  



This may under-estimate your needs, if you lose weight or are very active, add in one more bottle per day. If you gain weight and were not intending too – reduce by 1 bottle per day. 

Suitable foods to eat without PERT  

Whilst you are on these supplement drinks you can snack on the following:  

  • Fruit – a handful sized portion at a time.
  • Vegetable sticks (carrot, celery, cucumber).
  • Small amounts of salsa/ketchup/balsamic vinegar/marmite/mustard – tiny amounts can be used to give vegetable sticks a slightly different taste.  

If you do not have diabetes, you can also try:  

  • Sorbet  
  • Marshmallows  
  • Sugary sweets (not chocolate, fudge or toffee)  

Please note this is generic advice. Do not introduce foods you have previously been advised to avoid. 

These foods will not give you many calories, but they should not make your symptoms worse and will fill you up a bit more than having the supplement drinks on their own. 

You can eat other foods, but these may worsen any abdominal symptoms you are experiencing. 

A suggested daily meal plan for someone who weighs 80kg may look like this:  

  • Breakfast: 1 x supplement drink, cup of black coffee and a banana  
  • Mid morning: I x supplement drink, carrot sticks  
  • Lunch: 2 x supplement drinks flavoured with chocolate coffee syrup and served with ice, cucumber and celery sticks dipped in salsa  
  • Mid-afternoon: 1x supplement drink and an apple  
  • Dinner: 1 x supplement drink and some carrot sticks with a smear of marmite; 1 x frozen supplement drink served with a handful of strawberries, raspberries and a scoop of sorbet. 

For patients who already have a gastric feeding tube  

If you have a PEG, RIG or NG feeding tube, you could take your PERT from a powdered source (Pancrex® V powder) through this tube. These can be dissolved in water and flushed down the tube, but this must be done at the time you eat. This does not work with a jejunostomy or naso-jejunal tube as the enzymes will not mix with your food. If you have a feeding tube, discuss this option with your dietitian.  

For all patients with feeding tubes  

If you normally receive some of your nutrition through a feeding tube, or have one that you are not currently using, it may be beneficial to increase your feed through the tube whilst you do not have any PERT. Please speak to your dietitian about this. 

Appendix: Conversion charts

This table shows how each product compares to others:

Creon® 25,000 Dose   Equivalent in Nutrizym® 22   Equivalent in Creon® 10,000   Equivalent in Pancrex® 340mg (8,000 units lipase)   Equivalent in Pancrex® 125mg (2,950 units lipase)   Equivalent in Creon® Micro*   Pancrex® V powder*  
1 x Creon 25,000   1 x Nutrizym 22   3 x Creon 10,000   3 x Pancrex 8,000   8 x Pancrex 2,950   5 scoops Creon Micro   ½ x 2.5ml spoon  
2 x Creon 25,000   2 x Nutrizym 22   5 x Creon 10,000   6 x Pancrex 8,000   16 x Pancrex 2,950   10 scoops Creon Micro   1 x 2.5ml spoon  
3 x Creon 25,000   3 x Nutrizym 22   8 x Creon 10,000   9 x Pancrex 8,000   24 x Pancrex 2,950   15 scoops Creon Micro   1½ x 2.5ml spoon  
4 x Creon 25,000   4 x Nutrizym 22   10 x Creon 10,000   12 x Pancrex 8,000   32 x Pancrex 2,950   20 scoops Creon Micro   2 x 2.5ml spoon  
5 x Creon 25,000   5 x Nutrizym 22   13 x Creon 10,000   15 x Pancrex 8,000   40 x Pancrex 2,950   25 scoops Creon Micro   2 ½ x 2.5ml spoon  
6 x Creon 25,000   6 x Nutrizym 22   15 x Creon 10,000   18 x Pancrex 8,000   48 x Pancrex 2,950   30 scoops Creon Micro   3 x 2.5ml spoon  


Getting support

Guts UK

Here at Guts UK Charity, we support people with pancreatitis and pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. This includes pancreatic exocrine insufficiency caused by stomach surgery and diabetes.

We’re open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. You can call us on 020 7486 0341 or email us at [email protected].

Pancreatic Cancer UK

Cystic Fibrosis Trust

Neuroendocrine Cancer UK

Information and guidance for GPs, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals

Earlier this year, we teamed up with Pancreatic Cancer Action, Cystic Fibrosis Trust and Neuroendocrine Cancer UK to deliver a free webinar on the PERT shortage guidance for GPs and pharmacists.

At the event, we discussed what to do if a patient is running low or cannot get PERT. There was also an opportunity for healthcare professionals to ask questions to a panel of specialists.

On the webinar, Mary Phillips, Senior Specialist HPB Dietitian at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, shared a presentation. It’s available here: Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy national shortage presentation slides.

If you’re a healthcare professional and would like to watch the webinar back, follow this link to the Pancreatic Cancer UK website.

A position statement outlining the most up to date information for healthcare professionals can be found on the Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (PSGBI) website.

Guts UK's brand characters are stood in a line, looking at one another. The characters are a female patient, female researcher, female healthcare professional, a female patient wearing a hijab, a male healthcare professional and a male patient.

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Guts UK launches exciting five-year strategy  

Our digestive systems have long been misunderstood, undervalued and underfunded but Guts UK exists to change that. We are the national charity for the digestive system and for more than 50 years, we’ve been helping...

31st January 2025

Image shows a blue background with white text that says: Our new strategy just launched! There is an illustration of a rocket with a Guts UK logo and two people inside the rocket wearing Guts UK branded t-shirts.