What are dietary additives?
Additives are added to our dietary products to help improve shelf life, taste, texture, and consistency amongst others. So many food products now include additives, particularly those that are highly processed. Previous research has shown that additives impact the trillions of bacteria in our guts, known as our microbiome, and can cause leakiness in the gut. This can actually exacerbate symptoms of Crohn’s disease.
If the research team’s hypothesis is correct, they could uncover a highly effective, low-cost treatment for patients with Crohn’s disease that could help ease some of these painful symptoms through a simple diet management tool.
What will the study involve?
Over the course of eight weeks, the study will involve patients from five major hospitals across London. Patients will be split into two groups: one following a low-additive diet plan, and the other a control group. If you are affected by Crohn’s disease and would like to participate in this research, contact your gastroenterologist to enquire about eligibility.
Watch Dr Kevin Whelan and Dr Megan Rossi talk about their study here: