Seeking oesophageal (gullet) cancer patients

23rd November 2017

Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS), the biopharmaceutical company, are keen to contact patients with oesophageal cancer patients (cancer of the gullet) and their carers.

They are seeking 4 pairs of UK patients and their carers to participate in market research interviews to help BMS understand the patient / carer experience in oesophageal cancer and identify what the unmet needs are, as well as where the key barriers to treatment are. Their aims are to:

  • Uncover how patients are talking about unmet needs by understanding their narrative, their struggles, and how they make sense of their condition and treatment.
  • Understand patient perceptions of current treatment options.
  • Identify key commonalities and differences in the experience of patients diagnosed “early stage” vs. “late stage.”

Patient profile:  BMS are seeking 2 patients who were diagnosed at the metastatic setting and 2 who were diagnosed at an earlier stage but have now advanced to metastatic disease.

The time commitment is:

  • About 10 hours total to consider both writing/thinking time to complete a type of guided journal with a series of questions in a workbook – it typically takes 1 hour a day for 5 days and 1 hour total for caregivers as well, if relevant.
  • Two of the patients might also be asked for a follow up interview (a 45min telephone conversation).

For participating in the study BMS will pay an honoraria to each couple for their time (£40/hour, so approx £400-440 per couple).

If you know of any interested patients then please get in touch with:

STUART BARBER (Policy, Advocacy and Government Affairs Manager)
T: +44 (0) 1895 52 3635

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